Keywords = استحکام خمشی
Effect of Shading on Flexural Strength of Zirkonzahn; Zirconia-Based Ceramics

Volume 37, Issue 2, July 2013, Pages 137-144


Marzieh Alikhasi; Habib Hajmiragha; Armita Arvin; Razieh Khanmohammadi

Comparison of Flexural Strength of Conventional Brazing & Cast to Techniques in Fixed Partial Dentures Using Base Metal Alloys

Volume 33, Issue 3, October 2009, Pages 223-230


Maryam RezaeiDastjerdi; Jalil Ghanbarzadeh; MohammadReza Sabuni; Kamran Amirian; Habibollah Esmaili

In vitro Investigation of The Wear Quantity of Targis Opposing The Enamel, Porcelain and Composite

Volume 31, Issue 1,2, April 2007, Pages 111-116


Ramin Mosharraf; Mana Noor-Allah; AliReza Rejaee

Flexural strength of polymethyl methacrylate reinforced with glass fiber or with metal wire

Volume 30, Issue 3,4, October 2006, Pages 327-334


Mehro Vojdani; SeyedMohammad Ghavamoddini