A One Year Clinical Study on the Frequency of Odontogenic Sinusitis at ENT Department of Ghaem Hospital in Mashhad

Document Type : original article


1 Professor, Dept of ENT, Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Dentist


Although odontogenic sinusitis is a rare entity when compared to the sinus diseases of rhinogenic origin, it is extremely important to identify a dental etiology when it occurs. The offending tooth or teeth would thus require endodontic treatment or extraction, and the sinus disease should carefully be assessed and appropriately managed. In the patients with pain and tenderness on the maxillary sinuses, odontogenic origin is suspicious.
Materials and Methods:
This is a one-year retrospective study on 38 patients followed in the ENT ward of Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Most of patients were 20-30 years old.
In all, sinusitis was most common in ethmoid and maxilla, with the symptoms of mostly nasal obstruction and postnasal discharge in the last 3-6 years. 5 patients out of 38 (13.2%) had odontogenic sinusitis. An important point is that patients who had sinusitis with odontogenic origin were older than 35 years (more than the average age of these 38 patients). Their most complaints were a local pain and tenderness on their cheek and upper jaw.
An exact attention to the patient with complaints of pain and tenderness on the maxillary sinus sometimes reveals the odontogenic origin for the sinusitis. In these cases a close cooperation between the ENT specialist and the dentist is an essential factor.
