How do I submit my article?

Please submit your article online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please click “Submit Manuscript” on the journal's homepage. The “Online Submission” link below also leads directly to the submission system used by the journal.  


What characteristics should the main file of the article have?

The main file, as mentioned in the authors' guide, should have the following specifications:

1. Persian and English title

2. Details of the authors by mentioning their academic rank and place of work or study in Farsi and English

3. The name of the responsible author with email and mobile number

4. Persian and English abstract

5. Tables, graphs and pictures (if any)

6. All Persian sources should be typed in English and the word (Persian) should be mentioned at the end, and all sources should be arranged according to Vancouver indexing.

Does JMDS provide style files for preparing a journal article?

You can see the guide for authors at https://jmds.mums.ac.ir/journal/authors.note

How can I find out about the status of my journal manuscript?

Using our online submission system, the corresponding author can track the status of the article online.

How can I recover my password?

Visit home page and click the ‘Forgot your username/password?’ link and enter your email address. If you do not have an account you will get a message telling you there is no account currently associated with the email address. If you do have an account you will receive an email with your username and a link that gives you the opportunity to reset your password should you need to do so. If you have any problems please contact us.