Assesment of edentulous patients, motivation attending to practical denturists for providing a complete denture in Mashhad in 2003-2004

Document Type : original article


1 Associate Professor, Dept of Prosthodontic, Mashhad Dental School, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Dept of Prosthodontic Mashhad Dental School, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran


Assessment of edentulous patients, motivation to attend practical denturists office for providing a denture, was important for us.
Methods and Materials:
450 patients were selected by "random sampling" method and each case was analyzed by his or her choices in the questionaire. Results were presented by bar diagrams and pie charts.
There was a significant relationship between the number of patients attending denturist's office and the patient's level of education. The higher the level of education the less the patients showed up in the partical denturist's office.
There was also a relationship between the number of patients attending denturist's office and the patient's economical class, so the higher the economic class of the patients, the less they showed up in the practical denturists office.
There were several reasons for referring to the practical denturists but the major reasons were as follow:

Rapid construction and delivery of denture.
Encouragement of relatives and friends of patients.
Practical denturists  seemed more experienced to the patients.
Lower cost of practical denturist's sevices.
