Comparison of anteroposterior analyses of cranium and jaws of normal occlusion samples in NHP

Document Type : original article


1 Associate Professor, Dept. of Orthodontics, Dental School, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Orthodontics


NHP is a position that depends on morphology and figure of every body. The purpose of this study was measuring cephalometric norm in NHP to compare four anteroposterior analyses of Cooke, Wits, Reidel and Sassouni in NHP and determining their consistence with clinical status.
Materials and Methods
This study was a cross sectional study and the data collecting method was direct observation and lateral cephalomteric radiography using informational forms. In this study 40 highschool student girls with normal occlusion and the age between 16-18 years old with an avarage of 17.3 years old  were selected from different districts of Mashhad through random cluster sampling.
From each student one lateral cephalometry (with permission from the parents and students) was taken in NHP position.
The data were analysed using SPSS statistical software (Fisher's exact test in two way cross tabulation).
1.Cooke, Wits, Reidel and Sassouni showed 85%, 75%, 70% and 32.5% concordance with the clinical status respectively.
2. In comparison between wits and Reidel analyses, the difference was not significant. P-v>0.05
3. In comparison between Cooke and wits analyses, the difference was not significant. P-v>0.05
4. In comparison between wits and sassouni, the difference was highly significant.P-v<0.01
5. In comparison between Reidel and sassouni, the difference was highly significant. P-v<0.01
6. In comparison between Cooke and sassouni, the difference was highly significant. P-v<0.01
In this study statistical evaluation justifies more concordance of the anteroposterior analysis of Cooke, Wits and Reidel with clinical status but Sassouni analysis can not be considered as a reliable method.
In comparing the upper methods from view point of reliablity, Cooke seems to be the most reliable analysis followed by wits and Reidel analyses.
